Legends of Tomorrow Podcast – Episode 7: Rip Hunter

In the seventh episode of the Legends of Tomorrow Podcast, host Kat Calamia is once again joined by Alan Sizzler Kistler – NY Times Best Selling Author of Doctor Who: A History; superhero historian; host of the Crazy Sexy Geeks podcast – to talk all about the time master and son of Booster Gold: Rip Hunter! To help prepare listeners for the character’s big debut in the CW/DC universe, the duo has a detailed conversation about Hunter’s history in the DC Universe, comic book recommendation featuring Rip, his previous media appearances and their thoughts on Doctor Who’s Arthur Darvill who will be playing Rip no the show.

They also discuss some of the recent casting news with Stephanie Corneliussen as Valentina Vostok, Peter Francis James as Dr. Aldus Boardman and a recent BTS footage from The Flash that reveals something MAJOR for Legends of Tomorrow. Remember: if you are going to New York Comic Con that will take place between October 8-11 – don’t forget that Legends of Tomorrow will be there!

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