Legendary Ladies: The Last Legends of Tomorrow Story – Earth Prime #3

The Legends of Tomorrow may have been canceled, but we still have one final bit of new Legendary content to…...

The Legends of Tomorrow may have been canceled, but we still have one final bit of new Legendary content to share! Morgan, Kat, and Amy are joined by Legendary Listener Pam (@meethepam) to talk about the Earth-Prime Issue #3 LEgends of Tomorrow tie-in comic. The hosts chat about how the voice of Legends comes out through the comic, whether or not book club is still on, and discuss the extra scene at the end that filled in some gaps about Booster Gold that would have… *sniff* … set up quite a fun Season 8.

Find the Earth-Prime Issue #3, the Legends of Tomorrow comic tie-in, here: https://tinyurl.com/a8vcbz59

Want to share your thoughts on the series? The Legendary Ladies are hosting a Series Feedback episode --- and are looking for listeners to join when we record on May 12th at 9pm. Reach out to us at TheLegendsPodcast@gmail.com to be considered. We are also accepting written feedback that we will read on the podcast, but ask that all feedback be limited to something that can be read by the ladies in under 3 minutes, so we can include as much from our fans as possible.

OH! PS, we have an instagram now! Follow @TheLegendaryLadies for some cool content! Eventually.


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Twitter: @Legends_Podcast

Kat: @ComicUno (twitter)

Morgan: @Mojotastic (twitter/instagram)

Amy: @Amy.Hypnarowski (instagram)

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