Legends of Tomorrow Podcast – Episode 6: Hawkman and Hawkgirl

In the sixth episode of the Legends of Tomorrow Podcast, co-hosts Kat Calamia and Gregg Katzman are joined by Alan Sizzler…...

In the sixth episode of the Legends of Tomorrow Podcast, co-hosts Kat Calamia and Gregg Katzman are joined by Alan Sizzler Kistler - NY Times Best Selling Author of Doctor Who: A History; superhero historian: host of the Crazy Sexy Geeks podcast - to talk all about Hawkgirl (Kendra and Shayera) and Hawkman! To help prepare listeners for the characters' big debut in The CW DC universe, the trio has a detailed conversation about Hawkman and Hawkgirl's elaborate history in several comics - everything from the classic origin to The New 52 is discussed! Kat, Gregg, and Alan also make some reading recommendations and explain why they're interested in the frequently reincarnated couple.

The co-hosts delve into appearances Hawkgirl and Hawkman have made in other forms of media (primarily the classic Justice League animated shows and Smallville) - it's very possible they forgot to mention Hawkgirl's playable (and awesome) in Injustice: Gods Among Us, though! After that, the three speak about Hawkgirl and Hawkman's Legends of Tomorrow costumes, and have an extended discussion about how they hope the two heroes are utilized in DC's Legends of Tomorrow!

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Gregg on the Internet:

Twitter: @GreggKatzman

Gregg's Website: www.greggkatzman.blogspot.com

Gregg's Work at ScreenRant: www.screenrant.com/author/gregg

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