On the biggest DCTV Podcasts crossover to date, the Legendary Ladies are joined by the female hosts of Supergirl Radio, Quiver, iZombie Radio, Legends of Gotham, The Flash Podcast, and the DCTV Classics Podcast to discuss the ladies of the DCTV Universe. The eleven (E-LE-VEN!) guests begin with a basic rundown of the female heroes and villains of Gotham, Arrow, The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, Supergirl, and iZombie. The ladies dive in deep regarding female character representation on all the series, including the strengths and weaknesses existing on each series, as well as the disparity in character development between characters on the same shows and between the shows themselves.
Moderated by:
Lauren Gallaway (Legends of Tomorrow Podcast, The Flash Podcast, @laurengallaway)
Guests (podcast, personal twitter):
Anne Marie DeSimone (Legends of Gotham, @amdesimone)
Amanda Konkin (Quiver, @akonkin)
Rebecca Johnson (Supergirl Radio, @supergirlradio)
Carly Lane (Supergirl Radio, @carlylane)
Morgan Gleenon (Supergirl Radio, Legends of Tomorrow Podcast, @mojotastic)
Kat Calamia (Legends of Tomorrow Podcast, @comicuno)
Amy Marie Hypnarowski (Legends of Tomorrow Podcast, The Flash Podcast, @Amy_Marie97)
Catrina Dennis (iZombie Radio, @ohcatrina)
Britney Pontikes (DCTV Classics, @hibritneymonae)
Tamara Brooks (Woman Up Show, @MisfitsTamara)